Monday, February 8, 2016

Preparing Lesson Plans

The Lesson Plan is one of the most important components of teaching a class. It is a road map that you develop to make sure that you reach your final destination. It also helps you to ensure that your students get there with you. What is the point of teaching, if at the end, you are the only one who understands what you were talking about?
Well prepared lesson plans should provide enough information, that someone else (a substitute) can teach your class if you are unavailable. It should contain the content you will teach and how it will be executed. Make sure your activities are age appropriate and accommodate different learning styles.
Most of all the lesson plans should make learning FUN, and reinforce the gospel of Christ.

Here are a few resources to help you put your lesson plans together.

Writing the Objective

Your Objective is what you expect the pathfinders to learn or show at the end of the lesson. Bloom's Taxonomy is a great and proven method to write objectives.
Check it out here . This video might also help

Procedures for Meeting the Objective

These are the list of teaching steps and activities you will take.
For example: Sunbeam> Make a tracing of yourself. Decorate it with pictures and words which tell good things about you. 
Objective: Sunbeam will list words that depict good characteristics of people. 
Sunbeams will show draw a picture of themselves, and share with the class what makes them special.
Time: 60 minutes
Materials: Boy/Girl Stencils, pencils/crayons, construction paper; old magazines, scissors, glue; poster paper or whiteboard. 

Read a story about identity and good characteristics. (e.g. Uncle Arthur's The Two Carolines)
Ask students to tell what are some good things about Caroline, themselves or people they know. Write them on the board (e.g. kind, obedient, good listener etc)
Have sunbeam class repeat after teacher Gen 1:27 or Psalm 139:14. Ask for volunteers if members of the class can read.
Give each student a picture template and have them decorate it to look like themselves. Glue to a larger paper. Cut out pictures from magazines that show good character traits, glue around the portrait and write on words using the list from the board.

Each sunbeam will present their picture to the class, telling what the good things about them are. 

Here are some other samples:

Have fun

Make learning meaningful and fun, by thinking outside the box